Fusella Pelletteria logo

Our work

We combine handcrafting, professionality and experience to realize leather bags and accessories. Every piece we realize is the result of passion and innovation; the products are created through our high-tech machines and the "hand-made" tradition. We embrace sustainability values, always suggesting quality and environmentally friendly materials which can satisfy our customers and, at the same time, help our planet. Our completeness allows us to create a journey tailored on their needs.

Black leather detail

Production cycle

The company works on the entire production cycle, from the model's elaboration to the final quality check. We can provide for any need, following a project right from the start or attending one or more steps of the product's creation.

Woman working on a CAD working file


During this first phase, the modeling's technical specialists' goal is to deeply understand the customers' idea. After it, they can transform the abstract idea into a real product, thanks to their creativity and expertise. The idea, or the sketch, is developed in 2D CAD.

Man working on some leather components' details


In the cutting room we work on every type of leather, eco-friendly leather, fabric, and also less flexible materials like thickened plastics or wood. Precision is fundamental during this phase, and we can guarantee it thanks to our technicians' professionalism and our ultimate generation machinery. We are specialized in the production of bags made by roll-badget seam, worked with every type of material.

Artisan handcrafting some details


The care for details of our artisans and the high production capability of our machines, allow us to guarantee a high-quality standard during every step.

Artisan's hands holding a bag for the quality check

Quality check

The products' quality check is a fundamental phase, during which our skilled staff perfects the finished product. Then, the accurate packing processes make it ready for sale and exposure. We also provide a shipping service all over the world.